Here are a couple of testimonials from companies/users of Realzyme’s enzymatic cleaning solutions

“I am writing this letter to provide the great positive results we have had using Realzyme enzyme products. We started using this product in our plant in a room we were having hot spots in after the first two weeks of using these products our counts were 0 across the board including drains. We also used the Realzyme enzyme products on belts to get them clean that we can’t remove on a daily basis. After a week’s usage we were receiving zero counts also. We used these products on a nightly basis. They are very simple to use and cuts out the biofilm build up if used properly. This product does wonders. We had fought our hot spots for several months and tried everything under the sun. Steam cleaning, boosting up our concentrations and all this did was create more problems with chemical build up and chemical cost. You are really saving YOUR COMPANY and its reputation. These products actually saved us money on our chemical bill.

You have to look for a solution at the source of your problem biofilm. Once you get it it’s hard to get rid of but with a routine cleaning schedule that would best fit your plant Realzyme enzyme products will greatly improve and fix the problem.”

– Sanitation Manager


“The enzyme cleaners work very well with all my validation swabs passing. The team really likes it as well with just foaming and rinsing without scrubbing. We now have excellent results on ATP swabs without having to re-clean as in the past with traditional cleaners. We have also had great results on overheads, walls and floors. Because it is not corrosive to painted surfaces, equipment and not harmful to the employees, it is easier to use than regular cleaning products.”

– Quality Assurance Manager

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Realzyme LLC, 219 S Pioneer Blvd, Suite, Springboro OH 45066